Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical Engineers for global projects
Application period ended: 23.01.25
Application deadline: 23.01.25

Job description:


We are constantly looking for experienced Mechanical Engineers for various positions on our Customer’s projects worldwide. Previous experience in the energy, paper and pulp, marine or other industries and working on sites on a project basis would be an advantage.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

Evaluate of the Mechanical design and corrections if needed
Installation Supervision and inspection: Piping, welding, supporting, steel structures, units.
Managing and verifying implementation of procedures, specifications and quality requirements
Test the systems according to installation instructions and manufacturer’s guidance.
Technical advising
Ensure a proper implementation of modifications on site
Supervise and follow the work of the contractors
Follow-up of time schedules and reporting
Attend to meetings, briefing, planning, project meetings and safety meetings
Follow the safety rules of the installation, reporting if any risks
Complete the project and given tasks

Skills and Qualifications:

Appropriate Mechanical education (M.Sc. or B.Sc.)
Strong knowledge of mechanical installations, installation supervision and commissioning, troubleshooting, testing, mechanical quality focus, analyzing information, reporting skills and negotiation skills
Experience from power plant, paper and pulp industry, mining, marine or other process industrial
Experience or willingness to work on international projects worldwide
Good cooperation and communication skills
Systematic working style with good problem solving skills and ability to make decisions are required
Active work attitude
Fluent English language skill

Interested in a job?


Job announcement

Employment status





Work location



Alempi Korkeakoulututkinto, Ylempi Korkeakoulututkinto, Jatko-opinnot

Tekniq Oy


